Research Structure

Research Projects

O uso de infraestrutura verde e azul no manejo das águas pluviais urbanas como tecnologia para o desenvolvimento sustentável com vistas a cidades resilientes

Projeto coordenado pela profa. Dra. Aline Veról. A expansão das áreas urbanas e a pressão sobre o uso do solo alteraram as funções ecológicas e ecossistêmicas do ambiente. Estratégias de adaptação como o uso de infraestrutura verde e azul podem reduzir os efeitos negativos das ações antrópicas, além de proporcionarem benefícios para a saúde e a qualidade de vida da população. Essas estratégias podem destacar-se como alternativas mais sustentáveis, econômicas, multifuncionais e flexíveis em comparação com as soluções tradicionais. Este projeto de pesquisa visa pr...

História da Crítica da Arquitetura

A pesquisa coordenada pela profa. Priscilla Peixoto toma como objeto a escrita da história da arquitetura e do urbanismo. Busca estudar seus diferentes atores, abordagens e fontes. Aportam a pesquisa os debates relativos à teoria da história, à história cultural, à análise de discurso e à sociologia da arte. Dentre as questões mais recentemente trabalhadas, destacam-se a atenção às biografias intelectuais, aos acervos e à crítica da arquitetura.Orientações iniciação científica1. Clara Maria de Oliveira Pessanha. PIBIAC 2020.PLE; PIBIAC 2020.1; PIBIAC 2020.2; PIBIAC 2021.1; I...

O Ambiente Construído no Contexto das Mudanças Climáticas e de uma Economia Circular

Neste projeto coordenado pelo Prof. Lucas Rosse Caldas, as mudanças climáticas podem ser consideradas um dos principais desafios da humanidade, fazendo-nos questionar sobre o processo de produção vigente, que é essencialmente linear, que leva à exaustão dos recursos naturais e geração de grande quantidade de resíduos e impactos ambientais negativos. Neste contexto, a busca por construções mais sustentáveis só será possível se forem considerados os gases causadores e os efeitos adversos das mudanças climáticas e o uso de estratégias pautadas em uma economia circular. O presen...

PERFORMAÇÕES DE LUGARES, ASSEMBLAGENS E COSMOPOLÍTICAS URBANAS: Interfaceamentos, Articulações e Recalcitrâncias ((ANTIGO: Tecendo a Qualidade do Lugar)

Pesquisa exploratória, desenvolvida pelo prof. Paulo Afonso Rheingantz, sobre o entendimento de lugar como um conjunto dinâmico de relações entre atores humanos e não-humanos e seus múltiplos desdobramentos. Seu foco se desloca dos atributos dos elementos físicos que constituem os lugares, para mapear as associações entre e COM pessoas e coisas; delinear ontologias alternativas mais sensíveis às contingências e superposições; entender lugar e seus modos de performar múltiplas 'realidades' ou 'espacialidades' que se entrelaçam um...

Sustainability and Innovation in Materials and Construction Systems for the Building Project

This multidisciplinary project, coordinated by Professor Marcos Silvoso, aims to add skills to promote the sustainable development of building materials and construction systems for building design. It also seeks to assess the performance of residential buildings, with reference to NBR 15575, in aspects related to sustainability, environmental comfort, structural performance, useful life and its relationship with the building design and production process. An extremely important industry for the country, civil construction is currently responsible for a large part of the consumption of raw mat...

Urban Design Code

The research coordinated by Professor Maria Lucia pecly, aims to understand how the process of "Urban Design Code" in England can be used as a tool in the construction of quality parameters for teaching social housing projects in Brazil. The approach adopted by design coding seeks to establish principles of urban design quality with an emphasis on the connection between the design process, management and governance of the project and the final product built.The process of coding urban design (Urban Design Code) in the United Kingdom: Process + ProductThe Urban Design Code was created in E...

Accessibility for people with disabilities to extended spaces

Finished (2021) - Coordinated by Professor Cristiane Duarte, this research consists of mapping and diagnosing the conditions of Accessibility of People with Disabilities to Physical Spaces in cities. The main architectural and urban aspects involving accessibility and universal design are surveyed and analyzed, such as access and circulation; pedestrian crossings; high ranges; parking; maintenance and conservation of sidewalks under municipal legislation; street corners; pedestrian ramps, stairs, and walkways; urban furniture; urban signage and information; directional or warning tactile signa...

Acoustic Comfort in the Built Environment

Coordinated by professor Maria Lygia Niemeyer. The objective of the research is to investigate design solutions and evaluation methodologies for acoustic adaptation, considering existing situations and future scenarios. Justification: In Brazil, the concern with acoustic comfort has often been relegated to the secondary level in architectural and urban planning projects. With the exception of spaces where sound quality is the basic foundation of the activity (such as cinemas, theaters and recording studios), there is no culture of acoustic evaluation of projects during the design process. As a...


The project, coordinated by professor Ethel Pinheiro, aims to increase the scope of methodologies for approaching public and collective spaces, through the analysis of Rio's urban environments. The main objective of this research is to outline a method that affirms that the greater or lesser affective bond with certain public spaces would be related to the quality of contemporary cities, especially to the great metropolis of Rio de Janeiro in the singular moment of World Pandemic by Covid- 19. For the development of this research, the performance of undergraduate students + eventual high schoo...

Algorithm applied to descriptive geometry

Coordinated by Professor Aline Calazans and part of an action with the articulation of the undergraduate students of the Scientific Initiation program, the research proposes the development of an algorithm applied to the teaching of Descriptive Geometry and has as a starting point the problems experienced in the discipline in the undergraduate course in Architecture and Urbanism at UFRJ. In line with the proposal for curricular renewal under construction, teachers who teach the discipline face the constant challenge of keeping themselves methodologically up-to-date and being able to respo...

Architectural acoustics in the design process

Coordinated by professor Lygia Niemeyer. The challenges imposed by the application of the principles of environmental sustainability to the built space point to the need for research and development of methodologies for an integrated and multidisciplinary approach to the project. Among the issues emerging in the discussions related to the management of the design process is the definition of the scope of participation of the designers of the various specialties. It is worth noting the fact that the good performance of some disciplines - such as architectural acoustics - depends on their integr...

Between art, architecture and landscape: theory and criticism of contemporary complexity

Coordinated by professor Fabíola Zonno. The research investigates two movements currently underway: the reinvention of architectural and artistic practices through experimental actions in an expanded field; and the reinvention of the landscape through aesthetic creations that are founded on it as site-specific works, works that build their meanings based on the relationship with the context in which they are inserted. "Complexity" is a key concept for a multidimensional approach to these contemporary phenomena, as it describes a fabric formed by multiple "lines" that are intertwined and const...

Brazilian architecture and architects - 19th and 20th centuries

Coordinated by professor Ana Amora. The research aims to study the Brazilian architectural production of the 19th and 20th centuries and the architects related to it, with the objective of mapping and systematizing the information on the subject available in historiography, distinguishing its interpretative versions; document and analyze works from that period based on a previous selection in which they will be evaluated according to their meaning and impact in the Brazilian disciplinary field; study architects and their works to broaden the knowledge of those best known and bring to light nam...

Building Open Space systems - methodological assessment and proposition procedures

Coordinated by professor Vera Tangari. This project is linked to the line of research Culture, Landscape and Built Environment, concentration area Quality, Environment and Landscape, of PROARQ-FAU / UFRJ, and continues the knowledge produced by the SEL-RJ group - Research Group on Space Systems Free in Rio de Janeiro, linked to the CNPq Group - Quality of Place and Landscape. Based on the recognition of the importance of the system of building open spaces in the analysis of landscape and urban occupation, we propose to extend our studies in order to offer methodological bases applica...

CAPES-PrInt - Subjective and cultural dimension of ambiances. ethnopographic tools in architecture and urbanism

The project linked to CAPES PRINT, coordinated by Professor Ethel Pinheiro Santana, has the central theme related to the development of strategies based on subjective and cultural dynamics of architecture and urbanism. The focus is on social development, research and extension and with a view to reducing social and ethical inequalities through proposals for collective urban reformulation of public spaces in metropolitan cities. This research is directly related to the internationalization proposal promoted by CAPES-PRINT.With the 'International Ambiances Network' (

Cemeteries: a place of pain, mourning and scenic memories

The project, coordinated by Professor Rubens de Andrade, is dedicated to the study of places dedicated to the rites of consecration and celebration of the memory of the dead in the design of the contemporary city landscape, from a historical, socio-spatial and landscape perspective. In situ and in visu landscapes of cemeteries, memorials and spaces dedicated to a range of events inscribed in the funerary ritualistic universe will be studied. The research will focus on the analysis of material and immaterial culture, produced from the relations of society with spaces, whose concrete and symboli...

Cenografias Teatrais e Urbanas: teatro e cidade como espaços de representação e memória

O projeto, coordenado pela profa. Niuxa Dias Drago, tem por objetivo integrar duas linhas principais de pesquisa sobre a cidade: aquela que investiga a criação da imagem da cidade, apostando que esta, além de artefato material e dinâmica social, é também imagem construída; e aquela que investiga o teatro como a linguagem artística que mantém com a cidade a mais antiga relação dialógica. Partindo do princípio de que Teatro e Cidade são arenas em que o sentido fenomenológico do espaço está presente e em tensão com novas construções espaço-temporais, o projeto busca relaciona...

Cidades, história, afeto e memória, a vida real

Pesquisa desenvolvida pela Prof. Daniella Martins Costa, que pretende dar continuidade e novo foco à pesquisa desenvolvida no âmbito do Laboratório de Narrativas Arquitetônicas – LANA, no Programa de pós-graduação em arquitetura PROARQ/UFRJ. A discussão sobre matéria, memória, espaço e tempo, tendo como pano de fundo a preservação da matéria histórica é a base. Partindo ora de relatos de memorialistas, como a escritora Mineira Rachel Jardim, entre outros, ora dos estudos realizados em campo, tecer-ce-á uma conexão entre nossas reflexões sobre memória e como esta nos leva ...

Comfort, air quality and energy efficiency in buildings

Coordinated by professor Leopoldo Bastos. Its search and development of instruments to support architectural design that enables the inclusion and qualitative and quantitative assessment of the precepts of environmental comfort, energy efficiency, and sustainability in the architecture design process. Linked research coordinated by Researcher Helena Lacé with the partnership of Casa de Rui Barbosa: Artificial light in the composition of the interiors of Rio's residences from the 19th to the 20th century.

Computational logic in the analysis, generation and representation of architectural form

Application of the analytical method of Grammar of Form to the study of the Jorge Machado Moreira building, designed in 1957 to the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of Rio de Janeiro in the Ilha do Fundão university campus.

Conservation, Restoration and Revitalization of Built Heritage

The intervention in the built heritage requires a critical study of the existing one for an adequate requalification of the environment. In this way, the objective of the research is the theoretical and conceptual study of issues related to the preservation of the built cultural heritage, aiming at its application in the projects of revitalization and restoration of buildings or urban areas of interest for preservation.

Development of concrete with low environmental impact for the design of sustainable buildings

The proposed research aims to contribute to the sustainability of buildings based on the development of construction elements produced with concrete with low environmental impact. It is intended to study the use of pozzolans, originated from residues from the sugar and alcohol industry and the ceramic industry, as a partial substitute for Portland cement in concrete. Such use of pozzolanic waste reduces emissions of greenhouse gases responsible for global warming and thus can assist in the development of more sustainable buildings. It is intended to analyze such materials with tools such as Li...

Diagnostic Techniques and Building Materials for the Conservation and Restoration of Architectural Heritage

This project seeks, through the use of experimental diagnostic techniques and the development and experimentation of materials, to provide subsidies for the elaboration of Architectural Heritage Conservation and Restoration projects. Through the development of the project, it is expected to provide information of great interest on the history of buildings, notably on the context of their construction, materials, and construction techniques employed. Such set of information has great documentary and scientific value and should be auxiliary material for technical support in actions for the conse...

Energy, Space and Society: Environmental Comfort, distributed generation and Energy Efficiency in the Framework of Sustainability of Buildings

Coordinated by the professors Sylvia Rola and Virgínia Vasconcellos, this project understands that thinking about the built environment is to reveal the systemic aspect of their analysis, deriving from multidisciplinary intercession and converging concepts of environmental comfort, distributed generation, and energy efficiency. Environmental comfort is determined by the well-being of the user of the built environment and, regardless of the bioclimatic zone added to climate changes, its study becomes a generalized need, where the conditions of acclimatization of buildings increase energy deman...